Question: What’s next after you’ve become unbroken?
My path to life coaching began with a quiet promise: to share my story with openness and grace, helping others uncover their truest selves.
Born a Timid Mouse: Growing up in a chaotic and toxic environment, I became all too familiar with mental and emotional abuse within my relationships. I absorbed feelings of worthlessness, rejection, and a diminished sense of self. These beliefs lingered well into adulthood, leaving me struggling with inadequacy and insignificance, often feeling unworthy of life’s good things.
I embarked on a journey of therapy, self-discovery, and relentless dedication, transforming my challenges into stepping stones. I began to heal from childhood trauma and gain profound insights into the negative self-image I had carried for so long. Yet, when therapy ended, I felt uncertain and anxious about what lay ahead. Despite all the healing, it felt like I was being thrown back into the same world that had caused me pain. I moved forward, still carrying so much fear.
Over the next few years, I committed myself to pursuing calmness, peace, and harmony. I immersed myself in self-help and psychology books, investing deeply in continuous growth. It took years, but I was clear on what I wanted, and nothing would stand in my way.
Reborn a Fierce Lion: Through this journey, I discovered self-worth, self-respect, and—most importantly—self-love. I discovered a strength within myself that I never knew or believed was there. I began to embrace words I’d heard throughout my life: I am worthy of continuous kindness, love, and respect. Today, I protect my peace with conviction.
Looking back, I now recognize how invaluable a life coach would have been during that time, and this realization inspired me to return to school and earn my degree. My mission is to help people uncover their true selves, cultivate an "I can" mindset, learn to self-validate, discover self-worth, navigate healthy relationships, and ultimately live the life they genuinely desire.
My transformation from feeling worthless to feeling empowered shows that anyone can experience profound change. It requires hard work, honest conversations, vulnerability, and the determination to make tough choices in pursuit of what you deserve. It’s a journey demanding dedication, open-mindedness, and the courage to face challenges head-on.
As your life coach, I am here to guide and support you on your own transformative journey. I chose this path because I’ve walked it myself—I understand its challenges and rewards. You matter, and with commitment and effort, you, too, can embrace a powerful mantra: "I got me!"